Our customers may notice BTES and our tree trimming crews contracted through Asplundh conducting right of way clearance around our subtransmission lines (power lines that interconnect substations) as part of the 2021 Right of Way Improvement Process. Vegetation management near power lines and equipment is critical for safe, reliable power.
Crews will be using specialized equipment to trim and take down trees in areas of our system that are currently at a higher risk for tree related outages. Crews will be conducting vegetation management with a helicopter and using other large machinery.
This is another step in our Reliability Enhancement Process to continue providing the reliable electricity you expect from BTES. Other recent projects within the Reliability Enhancement Process include the redundant circuit routing for subtransmission and distribution power lines, construction of new substations, installation of BTES’ Automated Switching System, implementation of a mobile substation, and the upcoming installation of a new delivery point substation.